8 Best Books For UPSC Prelims Highly Recommended By Toppers

In this blog post, we will suggest you the best books for UPSC prelims. Have you ever wondered about the books used by previous toppers? It is possible to crack the exam with ease when you have a good set of books. Here is the list of 8 books for UPSC preparation. The entire information is well-researched by our expert team. If you want to top in the IAS, this is the right place to begin. The below-given list will surely help you a lot.

What is the standard booklist for UPSC Prelims?

Generally, students get stuck at this point! Prelims is the most important stage in the UPSC exam. Many students lose their confidence with bad preparation. As it is your first step, you must take extra care and put a lot of hard work. Aspirants dedicate at least 2 months of time for best preparation. Toppers are your true role models. You might not have direct contact with them. But, here is all the information about books, study materials, and other required sources recommended by toppers.

1. Ancient India

It is an old NCERT book written by RS Sharma. The book covers an entire prelims syllabus. Students need this to answer the question with great confidence. Most of the questions have been directly asked from this book.

2. Indian Polity For Civil Services Examination

This is one of the IAS prelims bookssuggested by toppers. The book holds its popularity and needs no explanation. Students need such comprehensive materials to make a good preparation plan. It is also proved to be the best seller for many months. Of course, you must refer to this book if you are taking up prelims shortly.

3. History of medieval India

The book is also an old NCERT book owned by Satish Chandra. It is a must book for UPSC prelims 2019. All the topics about the medieval history of India are covered in depth.

4. Indian Art and Culture

This book explains about the Indian heritage and culture. The author, Nitin Singhania has provided extensive knowledge about:

  • Indian Art
  • Indian Music
  • Indian Paintings
  • Indian Architecture

Every explanation is supported by different pictures and diagrams. You can find a list of questions after each topic. It definitely helps the aspirants to prepare for the examination.

5. A Brief History of Modern India and Concise History of Modern India

Both of these books have very good information about modern history syllabus. It will enhance your prelims preparation and crack the exam with better confidence.

6. Oxford School Atlas

It has almost 200 precise and easy to understand maps. Additionally, the book has 94 thematic maps of India which is in turn supported by diagrams. The Oxford School Atlas comprises of:

  • Physical Maps of India
  • Political Maps of India
  • New and Informational preliminary pages
  • Coverage of Core Thematic Issues that includes climate, wildlife, minerals, agriculture, demography, environmental concerns, etc.

7. Economic Survey

It is a highly authentic book for economy syllabus recommended by toppers. The resource and information about Indian economy is regularly updated. The book identifies the extensive list of challenges. Also, it summarizes the policy and performance of the Indian Government. Make sure you buy the latest copy based on the exam year.

8. India Year Book

The book is an authoritative publication that covers all the current affair topics. All the information presented is well-researched and backed by reputed publications. It makes the book highly authentic and ideal source for current affairs.

Final Words

Lastly, do not forget about the NCERT books. They are the most recommended and best books for UPSC prelims. Gather all the books from 6th to 12th standard. It helps you to build the strongest foundation.