The most elite examination of all the competitive exams is what we can use as a synonym for IAS. The Indian administrative service examination is amongst the one which needs constant preparation as well as a dedication to crack the exam at first go. Though the preparation for the same may not come easy that is why we have compiled Top 5 tips to crack the IAS Exam In the first attempt recommended by Best IAS coaching in Delhi which can help you to crack the IAS examination easily:

#1. Planning holds the key:
Being an IAS is a daunting task; that is why we consider planning the most important aspect when it comes to preparation for the test. Plan beforehand with the help of tips rendered online for UPSC Exam Preparation. Take help when it comes to choosing the best books and subjects that you want to take while attempting IAS Mains. An aspirant should consider the entire preparation according to the final stage rather than preparing according to the various stages.
An IAS applicant ought to dependably plan his timetable pertaining to his studies and also alternate exercises. IAS officers must be flawless mentally, scholastically, physically and ought to keep up a shrewd identity. Thus, as recommended by the experts who impart training to various IAS Aspirants in IAS coaching in Delhi; It is important to take care of physical wellness too as you prepare for the examination. He ought to go to the meditation and yoga session for the relaxation of mind and soul; so that his performance can enhance.
Read More: 5 Things You Should Know Before You Start Preparing For Your IAS Exam
#2. Count on the Expert Advice:
If you are a first-time aspirant, then you can understand the relief you get when you share experiences with a senior who has already cracked the exam. They can guide you on time management, the best books to consult as well as which topics should not be missed before you take the examination for the very first time. An analysis done by someone who had nailed and mastered the skill is always handy.
Read More: How should I prepare for UPSC 2018 prelims?
#3. Get a mentor:
A mentor is a guide who can help you sail through the thicks and thins related to the minute aspects which you may miss otherwise. In short, you can count on an online tutorial program or get enrolled in an IAS coaching in Delhi or enroll in an online program that helps students with UPSC Exam preparation. Their tips combined with your efforts can help you hit the goal in the very first attempt without a fail.
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#4. Practice Mock Papers:
Work on your weaknesses first and to analyze your performance practice Mock test papers. Most of the reputed centers that provide IAS coaching in Delhi work on a similar strategy and analyze the growth of the student via the same.
You can also choose to go through mock test books that are issued by such centers that help in UPSC Exam Preparation or you can go online and take the mock test along with the result in real-time. Work on the shortcomings of the test so that you can master the subject with a loose grasp.
Read More: Rules to crack IAS at the First attempt
#5. Stay Positive & believe in yourself:
This seems to be a point which ought not to be mentioned, but this is really important for the student who lives under constant pressure to perform. Most of the people you meet in various IAS coaching in Delhi are tend to undergo special therapies or meditation for peace of mind and stay positive. One needs to believe in himself when it comes to exam preparation and takes the examination.
A relaxed mind can help you attempt and crack most of the questions without panicking. With a hassled mind, there are more chances to either making a partial attempt or go under the ax of negative marking due to wrong answers. Staying calm while preparation and attempting examination are crucial; hence activities like meditation and yoga come to rescue for the same while you undergo UPSC Exam Preparation.
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